About Us

Hey, there… it’s me!
Adam Manery
Founder, Lead Storyteller

Meet The Team

As an educator for many years, I spent countless hours helping others share their stories and hone their unique voices. As a videographer, I have taken this same mindset and applied it to my work.

At the core of every video is a story being told. There’s no one better to help you tell yours.

(…plus, moving pictures are just pretty darn cool.)

Our Mission


At The Narrative Lens, we bring stories to life.

Through our videography, we work with clients to transform ideas into stories that resonate deeply with audiences and let the world know what you are about.

Our Vision


Our vision at The Narrative Lens is to be Alberta’s premier platform for videography.

We envision a space where individuals and organizations receive a product that amplifies their own vision.

Our Values


We will always believe in the power of collaboration. 

When you work with us, you can be comfortable knowing that we actively emphasize listening to our clients’ voices.